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Type: Posts; User: ywan459

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  1. Updates on the version 0.2.3. Artsian now can...

    Updates on the version 0.2.3. Artsian now can export beam and shell elements for conformal strut and TPMS lattice. User may import the lattice into the any major FEA solver to conduct engineering...
  2. New updates of the Artisan 0.2.2. We have a...

    New updates of the Artisan 0.2.2. We have a simple GUI now, called ArtGUI. In the all-in-one package, user just need give a double click on ArtGUI.exe to give it a run. New field driven mesh design...
  3. New updates on version 0.2.1. Now version 0.2.1...

    New updates on version 0.2.1. Now version 0.2.1 introduces significant enhancements to the meshing functions in Artisan. We now support multi-size variational meshing, allowing users to generate...
  4. Version 0.2.0 Updates: Enhanced...

    Version 0.2.0 Updates:

    Enhanced Compression/Save Function:[/COLOR] A new compression/save feature has been introduced, allowing users to save only the binary data that captures key design...
  5. Here are some examples: Different types of...

    Here are some examples:

    Different types of lattices infill:
    Lattice merge or transition or topological interpolation:
    Conformal Lattice:
    Free defined primitive domain (e.g....
  6. Implicit modelling based lattice generation software

    Lattice structure draws lots of attention on its potential applications in mechanical performance and heat transferring capabilities. Integrating the lattice structure into the parts can transform...
Results 1 to 6 of 6