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Type: Posts; User: bzmotoninja83

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  1. Following up, I know its been quite a while. The...

    Following up, I know its been quite a while. The sensor I bought, has proven, at least im my usage, to be garbage. Tonight, I was trying to print somehting in PLA. Nothing would stick, the bed didnt...
  2. Replies

    x homing in wrong direction

    the issue was that my software was causeing the issue.

    The issue I am having now is, when I start a print, the printer zeros all axis, and moves tot eh center of the bed. Moving to the center, it...
  3. i just adjusted the sensor to be at the right...

    i just adjusted the sensor to be at the right height.
  4. Replies

    What kind of sensor exactly are you attempting to...

    What kind of sensor exactly are you attempting to use?
  5. I only have the one capacitive sensor. i had...

    I only have the one capacitive sensor. i had before, the servo and microswitch. Its working in the sense that I have the sensor basically zeroed at the print height. had to adjust and raise and drop...
  6. Replies

    Decided to just adjust the sensor sensitivity to...

    Decided to just adjust the sensor sensitivity to where its right at the height I want to start printing. If anyone has suggestions firmware wise, Im all eyes.
  7. Thread: Help

    by bzmotoninja83

    Are you having issues getting the ramps to...

    Are you having issues getting the ramps to connect to the computer or, are you looking for the proper firmware?
  8. Decided to just adjust the sensor to where zero...

    Decided to just adjust the sensor to where zero is right where the print height starts.
  9. Replies

    I finally got it working. Black wire from probe...

    I finally got it working. Black wire from probe goes to the first pin on the plug. Now, i need to find out how to disable the probe after leveling...... Other wise, the print will not start at the...
  10. Replies

    I think I got it. The enstop was wired according...

    I think I got it. The enstop was wired according to every picture Ive ever seen for the RAMPS board. Blue/Black/Blank. I hard wired the blue to ground and, have the black, sense wire to the first pin...
  11. Replies

    Swapping wires didnt work. Messed witht eh...

    Swapping wires didnt work. Messed witht eh firmware a little following Toms Guides and, the sensor still shows triggers but, the firmware does not.
  12. Replies

    I have flipped the Z endstop plug where it is...

    I have flipped the Z endstop plug where it is Blank, Black, Blue. This tells that the endstop is triggered. Would it be that I need to swap the black and blue wires in the plug so that it is Black,...
  13. Replies

    Capacitive sensor issue?

    Hello all,

    Recently i replaced my servo/micro switch setup with a LJC18A3-B-Z/AY 18mm capacitive sensor. I have the power going to the Brown wire, 12v straight from the PSU. The black wire gets a...
  14. Sensor is here, resistors are wired, 15k and 10k...

    Sensor is here, resistors are wired, 15k and 10k as denoted on many videos, Brown is wired to the 12v power and the resistors are a voltage divider. The black and blue wires are wired accordingly,...
  15. Replies

    Sensor is here, resistors are wired, 15k and 10k...

    Sensor is here, resistors are wired, 15k and 10k as denoted on many videos, Brown is wired to the 12v power and the resistors are a voltage divider. The black and blue wires are wired accordingly,...
  16. Replies

    Resistors have arrived and, the sensors should be...

    Resistors have arrived and, the sensors should be here tomorrow! Pretty stoked. My friend was talking about wanting to do the same thing to his TAZ 5 printer so, i ordered the parts for his too and,...
  17. The exact sensor I ordered. As for making it safe...

    The exact sensor I ordered. As for making it safe for th earduino to be able to use, a voltage divider with 10k and 15k resistors. Toms Guides has an example.
  18. Replies

    Resistors are on the way! It wont be long now. lol

    Resistors are on the way! It wont be long now. lol
  19. Replies

    LJC18A3-B-Z / AY and 15k and 10k ohm resistors...

    LJC18A3-B-Z / AY and 15k and 10k ohm resistors are on the way.
  20. I ordered 2 of the LJC18A3-B-Z / AY sensors off...

    I ordered 2 of the LJC18A3-B-Z / AY sensors off of ebay. They are adjustable coarsely on the mounting and iirc there is a fine tune screw on the top of the sensor.

    I will report back in a few...
  21. Replies

    Wooooo.... so, i was off and printing last night,...

    Wooooo.... so, i was off and printing last night, everything was going great until last night. Trying my hand at printing PLA vs ABS. i knew everything would be different but, i wasnt aware that it...
  22. The sensor, i am actually working on ordering...

    The sensor, i am actually working on ordering myself. Its going to have to be one thats 12mm for me since it will sense as far away as 4mm and i have a glass bed with aluminum under it ontop of a...
  23. Replies

    I dunno what it was. I took it home and...

    I dunno what it was. I took it home and everything was so

    In other news, raspi up and running. Having issues getting a CURA profile to save. Really wish it would communicate with S3D...
  24. Replies

    Ok so, I have the new servo in, new firmware...

    Ok so, I have the new servo in, new firmware uploaded and, even managed to get the offset setup corrrectly. Well, pretty close to correct. Weird issue we had after getting the firmware installed and...
  25. Replies

    OK so.... I, with the help of my friend and quite...

    OK so.... I, with the help of my friend and quite a few TOMS GUIDES on youtube, was able to see where my errors were with the LCD not working in the firmware.

    Anotherr issue all together, My Z...
Results 1 to 25 of 31
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