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Type: Posts; User: DR1983

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  1. Replies

    Thank you for a chance to enter. I hope to win.

    Thank you for a chance to enter. I hope to win.
  2. Replies

    Please note that there are many differences...

    Please note that there are many differences possible between thermistors. This may change the print temperatures with different models. It also makes a difference if the printer is enclosed. I have...
  3. images of first print

    This is to confirm that my recommendation works on my setup. 436437 This was the first print.
  4. Replies

    prusa i3 for sale

    Hi all. I built an i3 as a learning experience, but I think it is time to me to upgrade to a larger print area, and new design. It is complete minus the electronics. I am not including the...
  5. I lost the link, however, a few months ago, there...

    I lost the link, however, a few months ago, there was a website selling kits for a laser for around 150 bucks. If you look at some of the sites such as hackaday, you should be able to find a hack for...
  6. I have tried this, and it is currently installed....

    I have tried this, and it is currently installed. I have not yet tried 3mm filament on my i3. The filament was getting stuck and would bind up without this tubing.
  7. I have a Prusa I3 which is setup for 1.75mm...

    I have a Prusa I3 which is setup for 1.75mm filament. What occurred for me is there was a hollow cavity in the hole between the hobbed bolt and front end. If you have any Teflon tube with a internal...
  8. Replies

    Sticky: Hi all, my name is Dennis. I have building a...

    Hi all, my name is Dennis. I have building a prusa i3 from scratch for around 6 months in my spare time. I have had some issues, but am nearly ready to print. I have just started using this forum...
Results 1 to 8 of 8