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Type: Posts; User: Flea77

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  1. After ripping the hot end apart, cleaning and...

    After ripping the hot end apart, cleaning and inspecting everything, and then reassembling it, I think I found the issue. Something had changed the extruder rotational distance from the 23.7 it...
  2. Horizontal delamination? Don't really know what to call it...

    I am working with an upgraded Ender 3 V2 running Klipper with a Sonic Pad. I recently started getting a problem and not only do I not remember any change that could have affected this, but I dont...
  3. Replies

    First printer, Dremel Digilab 3D20?

    I have no experience with 3d printing at all and am looking for a good starting point. What I would like is a printer that requires the minimal amount of assembly or setup, and is very easy to use. I...
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