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Type: Posts; User: Stevos758

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  1. ABS I am not worried about even at 65%. Nylon on...

    ABS I am not worried about even at 65%. Nylon on the other hand prints like crap when its got any moisture in it. Print with nylon at 65% and your going to have a bad day!

    Good luck myth busters!
  2. Its a dehumidifying rod...

    Its a dehumidifying rod
  3. Thanks for all the kind words! RobH2 - I have...

    Thanks for all the kind words!

    RobH2 - I have a golden rod in the bottom of the box. It keeps the humidity aound 16% so it stays fairly dry in the box. That is a secondary reason I built the box!...
  4. 244 It is done.


    It is done.
  5. Replies

    243 Here is mine in its current state.


    Here is mine in its current state.
  6. I plan on adding 2x 40mm fans blowing directly on...

    I plan on adding 2x 40mm fans blowing directly on the board.
  7. 194195196197198

  8. 189190191192193

  9. Building an "Airtight" case with carbon filter.

    So i have started work on a almost airtight case. The plan is to have 2 fans pulling a vacuum on the case and exhausting through a carbon filter.

    I have the parts listed below on the way or in...
Results 1 to 9 of 9