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Type: Posts; User: ShadowX

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  1. Replies

    The reduction of weight allows the printer head...

    The reduction of weight allows the printer head to move much faster and accelerate quicker. If you look at the video above, you can see the printer move rapidly at 200 mm/s.

    The extruder is a...
  2. Replies

    This is a very solid extruder platform. Here is...

    This is a very solid extruder platform. Here is a video of them printing at 200 mm/s using the extruder with decent results. Please help support the project to make this extruder available to...
  3. Replies

    Thanks for your contribution and backing of the...

    Thanks for your contribution and backing of the project Chris.

    I've been talking with the Zesty team via a chat site. Based on my conversations with the team, they strive to provide the best...
  4. Replies

    The Nimble is now 15% lighter at approximately 28...

    The Nimble is now 15% lighter at approximately 28 grams! The project has a new stretch goal of open sourcing the designs if the campaign reaches the goal! Please help to back this project in...
  5. That what a slicer is for. With Simplify 3D, you...

    That what a slicer is for. With Simplify 3D, you can define set layer thickness at different heights. I know you are talking about changes within a layer, but I don't see how that can be...
  6. I agree. Its not that it can't be done, but at...

    I agree. Its not that it can't be done, but at what cost. Its interesting that they claim they can compensate for environmental factors with doppler, phase difference, etc. It is a very challenging...
  7. Some of your responses do not make any sense. ...

    Some of your responses do not make any sense. The response on the force needed on the dial indicator is absolutely ridiculous. The force required is not the problem with metal tool bits. The...
  8. My effector is round there is no way to attach to...

    My effector is round there is no way to attach to it in the current configuration. Worse case, I can custom design a holder for it.

    I have a CNC milling machine. Even with that machine, I...
  9. It has to reference to the tip of the nozzle. ...

    It has to reference to the tip of the nozzle. Even if the device is accurate in itself, each level would be different if the device moves even slightly. I have not even factored the issue with the...
  10. The concept seems very interesting. However, I...

    The concept seems very interesting. However, I think it can be a lot more successful and popular with 3D printer users if there is a rigid mount to maintain a fixed position on the print head and...
  11. Replies

    New Zesty Nimble Extruder!

    Hi. I'm posting this for a friend to help spread the word on this new extruder. They created a great extruder that is light and flexible. Although it's similar in design to the Flex3Drive, it...
Results 1 to 11 of 11