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Type: Posts; User: MolecularConcept

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  1. Replies

    yes its an SD3 with a RUMBA board.

    yes its an SD3 with a RUMBA board.
  2. whats stopping the SD from getting higher...

    whats stopping the SD from getting higher resolution? the software? or the threaded rod? ultimakers are made similarly and they can get 20 micron layer height too
  3. delta printers are sweet looking. i can see how...

    delta printers are sweet looking. i can see how reagular xyz machines work but those deltas move so crazy! i cant fathom how they work
  4. Replies

    oh okay lol. theres an option in there that...

    oh okay lol. theres an option in there that dosent work and it buggs the crap outta me! that "ramdomize start points" i have this single perimeter calibration print that i like for calibrating the...
  5. Replies

    Finally got mine back up and running. Sorry for...

    Finally got mine back up and running. Sorry for the crappy pic391
  6. Mcbride so you have a Rostock Max?

    Mcbride so you have a Rostock Max?
  7. Replies

    are you saying previous versions of Rhost are...

    are you saying previous versions of Rhost are better? i dont quite understand your post
  8. agreed i want to see 20 micron resolution like...

    agreed i want to see 20 micron resolution like the ultimaker 2. a sturdier build platform.
  9. nice job! i like the filament hanging system!

    nice job! i like the filament hanging system!
  10. Replies

    i have never had a clog with my SD head. you can...

    i have never had a clog with my SD head. you can make a very simple "mod" to wipe off your filament as it enters your head to prevent this. and i dont even have one of those.

    depending where you...
  11. the heat is messing with the temper and heat...

    the heat is messing with the temper and heat treatment of the metal. heating makes things expand and and most likely wont return to its original shape. you can also screw up the diameter by picking...
  12. unless your standing over the machine huffing the...

    unless your standing over the machine huffing the fumes i really dont think you have anything to worry about. but a case is always nice for keeping the heat in and drafts out.

    and unless your...
  13. Replies

    i upgraded the motherboard to the Azteeg X3 i got...

    i upgraded the motherboard to the Azteeg X3 i got lazy when wiring up the endstops lol got them done on the switch side didnt get them done on the board side.
  14. i dont have any problems with my original...

    i dont have any problems with my original printhead, i have an E3D on backup though...
  15. Replies

    i havent seen a need for ABS slurry while...

    i havent seen a need for ABS slurry while printing. with a nice high temp and glass/hairspray i never had any problems. if you are having problems with adheasion your bed might not be as level as...
Results 1 to 15 of 15