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  1. #1

    Need feedback/input for choosing between a few models

    Hi all, brand new to the forum, and first post. I'm new to the world of 3d printing/printers, but i'm very much into everything DIY. I've watched from afar for a while, and decided I want to take the plunge. I really need to watch my budget, which limits the possible models I can get for my first 3d printer. (You can blame my astronomy/astrophotography hobby for that ) I've been trying to do my due diligence, reading reviews, comparing features etc... Of course there will be pros and cons for every model, and likewise, everyone will have their own opinions and experiences. One person could have a model that was broken on delivery, missing parts etc.... While the next raves about how well it worked and how easy it was. Usually, I am able to take all the various information and feedback, and come to a conclusion of my own, without getting sucked in to anyone's specific view. That is not the case this time. I seem to keep coming across polar opposite information which leaves me at step 1. One person rants about the flimsy quality and instability, another raves about how solid and reliable it is! So, I figured I would try another approach....Try to narrow it down to a handful of models, put it out to you all, and hopefully get the feedback to help me pick the best one overall. I'm needing to keep this under $300 Canadian, so any models listed here are those I've found for that price range. I would prefer to go the DIY kit, with the assumption that I can then get more quality/features for the money if saving from having to build it myself. However, not necessary. Please feel free to offer your two cents or feedback for any of the models below, you don't have to just say : "get this one". Thanks in advance, and looking forward to getting to know you all:1) Creality 3d Ender 32) Creality 3D CR-7 3) Reprap Prusa i3 3D printer kit (seems good value, but reviews scare me a bit) A85)Anet A66) TRONXY? P802M DIY 3D Printer Kit 7)Geeetech? Prusa I3 Pro W DIYI have a few more for consideration, but I'll start with those and await your thoughts

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Starlord101 View Post
    Hi all, brand new to the forum, and first post. I'm new to the world of 3d printing/printers, but i'm very much into everything DIY. I've watched from afar for a while, and decided I want to take the plunge. I really need to watch my budget, which limits the possible models I can get for my first 3d printer. (You can blame my astronomy/astrophotography hobby for that ) I've been trying to do my due diligence, reading reviews, comparing features etc... Of course there will be pros and cons for every model, and likewise, everyone will have their own opinions and experiences. One person could have a model that was broken on delivery, missing parts etc.... While the next raves about how well it worked and how easy it was. Usually, I am able to take all the various information and feedback, and come to a conclusion of my own, without getting sucked in to anyone's specific view. That is not the case this time. I seem to keep coming across polar opposite information which leaves me at step 1. One person rants about the flimsy quality and instability, another raves about how solid and reliable it is! So, I figured I would try another approach....Try to narrow it down to a handful of models, put it out to you all, and hopefully get the feedback to help me pick the best one overall. I'm needing to keep this under $300 Canadian, so any models listed here are those I've found for that price range. I would prefer to go the DIY kit, with the assumption that I can then get more quality/features for the money if saving from having to build it myself. However, not necessary. Please feel free to offer your two cents or feedback for any of the models below, you don't have to just say : "get this one". Thanks in advance, and looking forward to getting to know you all:1) Creality 3d Ender 32) Creality 3D CR-7 3) Reprap Prusa i3 3D printer kit (seems good value, but reviews scare me a bit) A85)Anet A66) TRONXY? P802M DIY 3D Printer Kit 7)Geeetech? Prusa I3 Pro W DIYI have a few more for consideration, but I'll start with those and await your thoughts
    Anybody? I'm hoping to pull the trigger today

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Washington State, USA
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    I looked over many 3D Printers watching lots of 3D Printer videos on You-Tube, including the assembly and calibration of each.

    I have two Aluminum frame 3D Printer's Both were used and for whatever reason could not be assembled by there 1st owners.
    After determining the 3D Printer I wanted to Purchase watched every video I could find for this model. while looking for a good deal on E-Bay.
    After purchasing the 1st 3D Printer I discovered no assembly manual, I had previously found a You-tube Video of the assembly and calibration.
    Because I assumed trouble before purchasing was prepared for any outcome. After the second Day had finished the assembly then came the trials of the 1st Print.

    And Again because I was prepared previously by watching so many videos It was like I was already a 3D Printing geek.
    It took quite a long time for the first Print because the extruder was turning backwards. Shocking why was it spinning backwards.
    Without wanting to re-flash firmware at this time I simply swapped the wires the extruder stepper to get it to turn the correct direction.
    And the 1st Print was complete.

    This is the first and second 3D Printer I choose. And I am Still happy with my decision 1 3/4 years latter.

    If you would like to watch any you-tube videos leading to why I choose this 3D Printer post.

    You can look see what I purchased on the above link, this is the new improved 3D Printers with T-Slot Lighting
    The Twins 2018-2.jpg
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 07-19-2018 at 07:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    pretty sure I answered on the other thread you started.
    I refer you to my answers there.

    Try and stick to one thread per topic - it makes things easier for us.

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