While groups of researchers and doctors around the world are already using 3D printing for everything from building models to creating scaffolds to aid bone growth, Dr. Tsuyoshi Takato of the University of Tokyo says he and his team are on the cusp of commercializing a bioprinter which will use a synthetic substance to build bones and tissues custom made to a patient for direct implantation into the body. Takato says animal testing has demonstrated the efficacy of the technique, and adds that he believes Japan's Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) will approve the device and the process some time this year. You can read the whole story here: http://3dprint.com/37745/bone-and-tissue-bioprinting/

Check out a 3D bioprinted Human Ear below. it is interesting to see all this competition emerging within the bioprinting space. Hopefully it leads to quicker innovation!