Where should I start.......
I received a printer from someone. It is a no name printer. With a no name board.
I plan on replacing the board with a reprap ramps.

It is a high end model. All steel. 4 wire end stops. Zero slop on all axis. 150mm x 150mm x 130mm.
The bed moves xy
Head moves z.
The current setup has the end stops on the top left corner looking from above, for both xy. Z is up on top.

OK here for the stupid questions.....
Looking down on the bed from above. Is the begining of the xy movement start from top left? Does it matter? Basicly, where is 0,0..?
Also, should the stops be where they are? Top left? Should the be on the min or max slot on board?

I have done some research. But almost all models i see have the extruder move on the x and z. Not much out there for building a xy bed....

I'm assuming that the bed should be moving opposite from what I see because its the relationship of the head vs the bed. So +x would make the bed move left and +y towards you.
Plz shed some light so I can make stuff. I don't want it collecting dust for too much longer.....thank you.