A company called ChoroGenesis, headquartered in London, has plans to construct an entire resort they call the Nautilus Genesis Resort. The first building will begin fabrication as early as March of 2015, and utilize a process the company calls their 6D Digital Fabrication Platform. The first building will be shaped similarly to a snail's shell and have all of its heating and cooling elements as well as a series of sensors printed into the walls. Pipes and electrical tubing will also be built into the plan and all local construction codes will be met. The site of the resort has yet to be finalized, however they are considering Dubai, Greece, or an undisclosed location that they are still looking into. The company is now finalizing funding of $5 million to begin construction. Further details on ChoroGenesis' plans can be found here: http://3dprint.com/30499/chorogenesis-3d-printed-house

Below is a rendering of the first building to be printed