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  1. #1

    WIll 3D Bioprinting Lead to an X-Men Scenario?

    Bioprinting is fast becoming a reality in the 3D printing world. While most people aware of the technology imagine its primary impact being in replacing existing human organs, Agatha (Agi) Haines, a speculative designer from London's Royal College of Art, imagines a potential beyond mere replication. Haines' focus is, instead of reproducing biology, enhancing it. She has created theoretical concepts for superhuman organs that would enable humans abilities beyond what natural evolution has provided -- such as flaps in the head that could ward off heat due to global warming, or entirely new organs such as one containing an anticoagulant that could be released when it senses an impending stroke due to a blood clot. See more details on her thoughtful designs in the full article:
    Below is a photo of the Cerebrothrombal Dilutus, an organ Haines designed:

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    While this is amazing for science and medicine, there just isn't going to be a lot of people who want these kinds of augmentative organs unless they are really a life-or-death requirement.

    While there's definitely a cool factor to being able to graft Nature's little innovations into ourselves, in reality only a few people would be crazy enough to do it, and only a very few of those would be wealthy enough to afford it (and resourceful enough to find a similarly crazy doctor).

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