So, I've tried to print the Marvin figure for a while now, so I'm asking if anyone has some tips for me.

I'm using Simplify 3D, and a Prusa i3v 10". I'm printing on masking tape, and heatbed set to 30C.

I tried to set print speed to 3000mm/min.
Bridging speed multiplier 60%.

I printed it with 0.1mm layer height.

I'm still having trouble around the eyes, ears, between feet etc. Sagging...

So, should I reduce speed even more?

I've also been looking into adding a fan. But most designs suggest priting and moving the stock fan on the Hexagon, I don't want that :P Maybe someone have a stl for a fan holder they can recommend? (got many fans laying around 30,40,50m)