First off i want to say hi to everyone and hopefully everyones having a 3D kinda day. Okay. so i really want to dive into the 3d world of things and have a savings fund im currently building (goal is 10-12k) for a 3d printer. Yes i dont want your Home printer although they are neat and useful i want to get into the more complex , better color, different materials, and quicker printing. SO before all that even comes to reality (Time limit & GOal is June 2015) i want to start with getting to know basics. Im going to say and be honest , Im absolutely retarded when it comes to 3D printers. So bare with me . As a community , where can i start building skills to Make designs? ( Ill purchase software if needed I dont want cheap free stuff ) , what books could i read to gain knowledge.? Can i buy scanners to help me generate objects designs etc? which are good.? As you can see , im MR, I dont know it at all !!!!!!!!!!! My end goal is to create some stuff that maybe can sell and be usefull for people. not everyone has access to big machines as they are costly . As crazy as it sounds i want to print my face in detail since i know the capability is there. weird i know. However , I hope i can get some good feedback and i wish you fellow 3ders a good day . Thanks from Virginia Beach, VA