Maybe someone can help me with this. I have certainly had a history of jambs with the printer, but this is a new one. I switched the i3v over to 3mm and have not had any jamb problems since. Until yesterday.

I am printing a fairly large part. It is a replacement for the extruder support to allow the installation of a Bulldog extruder and incorporate auto bed leveling. Once I get the work all done and working, I will share the effort.

I prototyped the part about a week ago. No problems with that print. Yesterday I tried to print the part again as adjusted from the prototype. I used the same print settings and the same filament. About half way through it quit feeding filament. The filament was eroded by the extruder wheel and stopped feeding. This happened twice and not in the same spot. Simply resetting the feed allowed me to start over. There was no jamb in the extruder itself. I could easily feed filament through by hand.

I tried several prints today and the same problem, except that today, several of the attempts did not seem to be related to the extruder wheel. The wear when the jamb occurred did not seem deep enough to dissuade the feed. However, on the last one, tightening the extruder idler wheel did allow the filament to restart feeding.

I have tried changing temperature. I did the original prototype starting at 200 first layer and 190 after. It turned out a great looking part. I have adjusted the temps up as high as 210 and I have adjusted the feed rate down thinking that maybe it was trying to push too much through.

I also have the retract set to 3mm and it is set to retract when crossing perimeters. I wonder if that back and forth is causing enough wear to cause the problem. I have tried looser and tighter on the idler.

I took the extruder apart and made sure it was clear. Frankly, each one of these "jambs" has not prevented me from extruding a nice stream through the tip by hand without any changes other than stopping the print, releasing the servos and opening the extruder and pushing the filament.

I am open to any ideas.
