Hi all, I am sure that this is a real easy question for some of you to answer so here goes.

I know on the controls I can move the X and the Y with the nob on the control panel. Just wondering is there a way to move the Z from there without having a program to do it? I am talking about in the control without having my laptop connected to it.

Next, I have not gotten into controlling my printer from the laptop yet, but that is what I am going to do this weekend. I am hooking up my updated Z end stop, and then once I see that work I am going to take the next step and work to get the Auto Bed Leveling working. I plan on working to get the bed as level as I can to start, then I want to be able to manually move the Z up and install the servo, and the swing arm and switch. From there I want to be able to take a couple of measurements in a couple of different ways. I want to measure switch down, and switch up, hot end down to Z0. I want to know the distance (Difference between those numbers) measured manually (With calipers) and want to be able to have the machine tell me what it is thinking that distance is. I want to be able to compare it. Is this possible?