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  1. #91
    Engineer clough42's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Meridian, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by TopJimmyCooks View Post
    Looks like you got a longer cable for the camera - does it work well? Where did you get it from?
    Quote Originally Posted by TopJimmyCooks View Post
    What are the plusses/minuses of using a usb webcam v/s the pi camera?
    I got mine from Amazon:

    The AdaFruit cable is cheaper--until you factor in shipping. I have Prime, so...

    I have one printer with the Pi camera and one with a Microsoft webcam. The pi camera is easier to mount, and it works, but the colors are awful if you have fluorescent or LED lighting. I had to break the lens loose and screw it out a turn or so to get the camera to focus close enough. I'm also getting very slow frame rates from the Pi camera. I would have thought it would be faster.

    The USB webcam (Microsoft LifeCam Cinema) works great. It has much better color and it auto-focuses, which is both a blessing and a curse. The frame rate seems much better as well, and it doesn't seem to interfere with printing. I don't have a mount for it yet, but probably will design something soon.

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
    It's in the settings dialog in the UI.

    I think that has solved the last of my reliability issues. The symptom on the timeout was that it would occasionally finish the ABL, run my prime and wipe sequence and then stop, with the nozzle on the bed, everything hot, and not actually print anything. The terminal had lots of messages about retransmitting lines and the firmware deciding that it was getting the wrong line number.
    Yep with that fixed and the fan re rtsed i printed your x carraige without any warping :-) now to print the rest and get ready to tear it all apart do i can rebuild and retune it :-P

    To print tomorrow...

    New unwarped abl mounts and foot... Part cooling will be needed at some point might as well go ahead and print it along with the makerfarm cold end...

    Then its time to break it and make it better :-D

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
    It's in the settings dialog in the UI.

    I think that has solved the last of my reliability issues. The symptom on the timeout was that it would occasionally finish the ABL, run my prime and wipe sequence and then stop, with the nozzle on the bed, everything hot, and not actually print anything. The terminal had lots of messages about retransmitting lines and the firmware deciding that it was getting the wrong line number.
    This may have been the same issue I was running into in my earlier post. I'll give this timeout setting a shot. Thanks all!

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Eastern Colorado
    Yeah, with the timeout at its original setting, OctoPrint would just keep firing off gcodes to the printer without waiting for an acknowledgement. And the printer is busy during a G29, and can't acknowledge. When G29 finishes and the printer finally opens up and starts taking commands again, it's expecting (say) command 29, while OctoPrint is sending it command 250. That's where the "wrong line number" comes from.

  5. #95
    Has anyone tried replacing their LCD with OctoPiPanel + PiTFT?

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Eastern Colorado
    Not yet, but I have been wondering if it was possible to connect the LCD to the RasPi.

  7. #97
    You're probably better off replacing it with the cheap 2.8" 320x240 full-colour touchscreens that adafruit sells. That's my plan anyhow.

  8. #98
    got my webcam in today and all setup :-)

    Now i can watch my prints from another room or if it is a fairly short build i can build from work and watch to make sure nothing goes wrong :-) :-) for those bored people that like watching printers run :-P

  9. #99

    Octoprint can't connect to printer

    I was previously able to use Octoprint on my Raspberry B+ with the baud rate of 115200 (I think). After upgrading the Makerfarm/Ramps to the Itty Bitty Dual extruder, I can't connect at any rate.

    I see in configuration.h the rate is set at 250000 but every setting in Octoprint returns "Connecting..." until the timeout.

    Any tips?

    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Opening serial port'
    Connecting to: /dev/ttyAMA0
    Connected to: Serial<id=0x29494b0, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=250000, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=2.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
    Changing monitoring state from 'Opening serial port' to 'Connecting'
    Send: M105
    Send: M105
    Send: M105
    Send: M105
    Send: M105
    Changing monitoring state from 'Connecting' to 'Closed'
    Last edited by paulpangrazzi; 02-02-2015 at 12:00 PM. Reason: Fixed formatting

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    You should be connecting to /dev/tty/ACM0. /dev/tty/AMA0 is the built-in serial port of the Pi.

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