Hey guys. I’m new to 3D printers as a whole. I’ve never seen one run, I’ve seen them in person though! My understanding is I’ll need to learn CAD to make my own custom prints. Is CAD difficult to learn on your own? I have some designs available for download that I’d like to print as well.
I’m currently looking at the Bambu labs x1 carbon as I think it’ll be something I can learn on and hopefully not have to upgrade. Is there “better” for the money (about $1,500)?
Most of what I think I’ll end up making will be hard use stuff. Tool accessories such as power tool holders, power tool holding trays, etc. maybe a small part here and there. I’m unsure what else, that’s just off the top of my head. PETG is what I’d be looking at for that stuff, correct? Is carbon fiber worth using? Do prints stay solid with compressive loads on them (say a box with a removable top). Any other info I should know about?