As the mediums and methods continue to evolve in 3D printing, 3D printing employs a host of metal materials, including silver, a standard alloy for jewelry purposes, as well as the printing of currency. Silver is currently used in the 3D printing industry through casting and laser sintering. Affordability of silver has been a concern in the silver market in past years, as its ever-growing uses in industry make it less scarce for other arenas such as currency printing. There is a surge of silver being used to make appliances, phones, washing machines, furniture accessories, and computers. With the promise of lower production costs due to 3D design and printing, both the jewelry and currency production industry are sure to be touched. It remains to be seen what effect the 3D market will have on the current demand in the silver market, as it is currently rising at 5% yearly, with current total usage demand at 1,081.1 million ounces. More details and predictions about the silver market, and 3D printing can be found here: