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Thread: Help needed

  1. #1

    Help needed

    Hi, i would love to print new buttons for an Alpine car stereo.
    But i'm pretty bad at 3D modeling.
    So i'm hoping that someone can give me a little push start.
    For CAD i have either Fusion360 or FreeCAD.
    And i hope (if that ever happens) to print those on a Photon S.
    Thanks for you future help
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Suggest that you use something more precise than a plastic school rule to measure things.
    Then when you have more accurate measurements you will probably find your 3D skills improve somewhat.
    Then buy the printer you want to actually make the buttons.

    If it was me, I think I would just buy a new radio. Smaller learning curve, less time consuming, less expense and less frustration

  3. #3
    So, first of all thanks for your answer.
    -the school rule was there just to give you an idea of the size (for the final measure i will obviously use a calipper)
    -i already have the photon, i'm just wondering if it can achieve such small features
    -the stereo is 1000+$ worth, so no new one (plus it's not mine, i'm just looking if i can model/print such things).
    My main point was, how do i model this thing? I'm guessing modeling a cross section, then extrude it, then adding the features. Am i right?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Sounds about right.

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