This week I upgraded my printer with a MOSFET controller so now I can reach 90-100 degrees which is required for ABS printing. Well this new material means a new learning curve. The first problem that occurred to me is this one:

Layers that have been printed (not the bottom layers) curl up a bit. (Higher then the current nozzle height). Is this due a wrong extrusion temperature? I'm printing at 245 °C

I made some pictures of the problem i'm seeing:

If you look closely, you can see that the problem only occurs at the right side of the print. So it seems to me the fan cooling the hot-end might be the problem. Can draft from this fan be causing this warping? Once the print came to a certain height the time between each layer increased since the vase gets bigger to the sides, the print became good all the way around.

If the fan may be causing this, what can be done to prevent this? Did anyone had this same issue when printing ABS? If the fan is the cause I don't understand why the problem vanished when the layer to layer time increased..

here is the completed print:

It's clear that it only happened at 1 side of the part and only at the first 70 layers or so