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  1. #1

    Newbie reporting

    Hello, I am a would be newbie that don't currently own a 3d printer. I've done a fair bit of research for entry level 3d printer, and am considering something in the sub 300-400 range. Base on my current research, I may be getting a Monoprice or a M3D. Can someone give me some suggestion? Or if there is something else they would recommend? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Thank you, i will definitely consider those, but for now, i am looking for a pre-built kit that require minimal assembly.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    This CR-10 Mini 3DP23 Hictop only has a 3 Step Assemble, watch the video really simple.

    Hictop 3DP23

    Other Videos for tuning

  5. #5
    Thank you for the suggestions, a few step is definitely doable! I will do some more research

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Would not have it any other way, the choice is 100% yours.

    I made my decision for the 3DP11 because of one crazy you-tube video I found and watched, Figured if he could assemble and the 3DP11 Aluminum Frame 3D Printer and make a video.
    I could follow his Video instructions an assemble one as the assemble instructions some times are not the best and watching the video showed me that I could do it.

    This was the 4 video series

    Even after making the decision on the printer, I still watched every video I could find to see if there was any other 3D Printer that was a better choice for Me.
    More still I had to save to get enough $$$$$ to be able to purchase the 3D Printer, this gave me lots of time to make my final decision.

    There and many 3D Printer you-tube videos I would suggest to watch, then when you decide make your choice.

    When you make your decision if you need any help the Forum and I will be here, with the best of knowledge to share with you.

    Good Luck in your 3D Printer Search!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Avoid the M3D. Their motors are rubbish, cheap steppers with plastic gearing that strips very easily. Their motion system looks clever but is prone to binding (in z axis, which also affects y axis) and slop (in x axis due to the rack and spur gear setup). I also hear their support is pretty garbage.

    I'd personally recommend against a mendel/i3 style printer purely because I'm not a fan of the motion system style. I would go for a replicator clone or the likes. They are solid and straightforward, easy to troubleshoot and calibrate. CoreXY, delta offer some moving mass reductions but can be a bit more complex to troubleshoot and calibrate, more so deltas than coreXY. They are great printers, but I wouldn't recommend them as a first printer. Although a linear delta's main advantage seems to be that it looks cool, I haven't seen them in industrial applications and I think there's a reason. That being said, I'm building and designing a printer and a large part of the reason I chose it is "it looks cool".

  8. #8
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    plenty of industrial type deltas, some really big ones too.

    But for a first printer I'd be inclined to go with a monoprice. pre-built, massive user base and the company is the worlds largest 3d printer seller (on numbers sold) for a good reason.

    Once you've got imnto the whole art of 3d printing. Then it's time to start looking at kits and larger machines.

    Never actually used an i3 clone - just can't think anything good can ever come of moving the whole bed back and forth like that. That said, they are really really popular - and dirt cheap., plus I prefer to print on the top edge of my machines capabilities, speedwise :-)

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