I am completely new to 3d printing (don't even own a printer) but I've always wanted a Clonetrooper helmet that is possible to wear. I've got a model in Blender (link to screenshot) www.gyazo.com/8857e171e765b2be67bb5182ec5ae084 and I need to know how this will turn out after the print (using another's printer). Will it be as rough as in Blender? And is it possible to sand it down/add putty and sand it down if it turns out as rough as the model. I want the surface to be smooth. I want it to look something like this as a finished product: www.gyazo.com/f8b7e0028263254705ddbe3f89ecebf4

TL;DR: Will the model come out of print as shown in image: www.gyazo.com/8857e171e765b2be67bb5182ec5ae084 or do I need to make it smoother in Blender? And is it possible to add putty and then sand it down for smooth surface?

Sorry if this is a hard question to answer and if you didn't get as much information as you need. Thanks beforehand