Has anyone ever tried to use the Sequential 3D printing option on Cura, Slic3r, etc? Supposedly it allows you to print out one item at a time rather than "one layer at a time". I feel that most people have no clue what this setting is, but it may be beneficial in some cases. I haven't tried it yet but I've heard that there are some benefits.

- I would imagine you would get less waste material. Especially considering that if one of the 2nd or 3rd prints get messed up, you still have your 1st print in good condition.
- Also there is no wasted movement of the nozzle moving as must on the x&y axes, since it doesn't have to jump from part to part.
- The paths should be more accurate (although I haven't confirmed this)
- Print quality would be slightly better since there wouldn't be the stringing/breaking of filament, etc.

Have any of you guys used this setting with good/bad results?