Okay, so yes I have printers that can print PETG with no problems on bed adhesion (my new TEVO tornado and the Anycubic i3 Mega with the Ultrabase and the Kossel Linear plus), but I like to torture myself and make all work. Right now the problem is my Cr-10, I tried glue stick, at 80 C and still warped on two sides, cleaned the bed fully and tried, same. Then without glue and glass higher temp even worse. Finally got Magigoo today and I thought that would make it better, but nooooooooo it started perfectly fine, but 1 hour into the print, the same freaking corner starts to warp up again. This is magigoo on the glass bed of the Cr-10 at 80 C first layer temp, then 78 C for the rest. Helpppppp xD Temp for the filament is 240C first layer, than 235C the rest, with fan cooling at 80% after first 2 layers.