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  1. #11
    So, pretty aggravating evening. The current for the motors are as follows: x .83, y .8, z .73, e .79 so I tweaked the extruder to .82 and then I focused on the z motors. I adjusted it to 1.05, still the grinding noise. Upped it to 1.11, same thing. Dropped down to 1.01, z motors still acting the same.

    Now, does it matter if I have the USB and power supply hooked up at the same time? I tried with just USB and of course motors have no power. I tried with just power supply, and motors all work; however, the z motors are still being stupid.

    I'll have to try some more stuff tomorrow.

  2. #12
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    You can connect or disconnect the USB cable to make the current adjustments, so long as you still have Supply Power.

    They may require less current, you may be over driving the steppers.
    Start with .4 test steppers then go to .5 test steppers , .6 test steppers ect... after they start working then you can fine tune the current.
    Would not go above 1.6 for Z-Axis should start around 1.2-1.4
    Would not go above 1.0 all others should start around .7-.8

    When I received my 3DP11 the Extruder Stepper was wired incorrectly, running backwards.
    ("Took Forever to troubleshoot as filament kept leaking out, and thought it worked")
    Had to reverse the wire pairs to make it run in the correct direction.

    You can trace the wiring of the cable that the Z-Steppers works with, see if the wires go to the same pins of the Z motor wiring harness cable.
    If you believe the Cable is incorrectly wired contact me will discuss how you may proceed from here.

    Fine Tuning Steppers motors
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 06-17-2017 at 02:02 PM.

  3. #13
    I have spent a lot of time, and by a lot I mean easily over 50 hours, in this damn thing. Between assembly, wiring, troubleshooting... and I have yet to have a working printer. I have yet to print anything.

    I have disconnected the z motors, both, one at a time... I have messed with the voltage from the lowest reading I could get of .24 to the highest (or max) of 1.39, and nothing has changed. I disconnect the X motor, use that motor with the z axis.. works like a charm. So, out of these 4 motors (2 for z, 1 each for x and y) the x and y motors work, both z ones don't. So, maybe I got the motors backwards? I put the z motors in the place of y and x, and put the y and x motors in place of the z motors. Now I have a working z axis, and my x and y axis have stupid grinding and binding noises. I basically have 2 shit motors.

    I am pretty tech savvy, and can do a lot of cool stuff. But I guess I have met my match with this piece of shit China junk printer. I should have NEVER bought a DIY kit off of ebay from China. I should have NEVER even attempted to make this garbage work... after all the metal rods and everything have been bent and half the damn screws and nuts have been stripped out... I have meticulously spent A LOT OF TIME trying to get this stupid thing to work, and here I am frustrated with this thing tore back apart (for the 235961289th time) and I have had enough.

    I'll save up my money and just get a reputable brand that isn't made out of complete China garbage.

    Whoever wants this 3d printer, it is for sale. I'm sure this garbage is going for cheaper on ebay than what I paid for it a year ago, but I want $150 for it to recover most of the cost. It will come with a 1kg spool of transparent 1.75mm PLA, BRAND NEW never been used, plus a small roll of orange yellow unidentified filament that came with the printer.

    I have lost complete interest in this fucking project.

    Thanks for all of your help Roberts_Clif. You are a great and awesome person; I hope you continue to help out people.

  4. #14
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Purchased two 3D-Printers that the original owners were unable to fix, Went thru this Chinese nightmare twice. 1st Printer was even missing assembly instructions, CD and Tools. If it was not for YouTube HackaweekTV Video's would have never assembled the 3D Printer. Thank you Hackaweek and Youtube! Now have two Working 3D Hictop Printers.

    Don't quit, You currently know what is wrong with the printer. You have basically already fixed it, you found the broken steppers.
    Most people couldn't have accomplished that. Replace the two steppers, you have won the war then decide after your 1st print.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 06-18-2017 at 08:21 AM.

  5. #15
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    Jan 2016
    The cables between stepper motors and the board may be bad.

  6. #16
    He confirmed it was the motors by moving them around. The problem followed the motors.

  7. #17
    Just an update:

    I haven't thrown it in the trash (yet) but I did have to walk away from it for a lil while. I contacted the printer people, and am awaiting a reply.

    I would love to get this thing going. I guess we will wait and see what happens.

    Thank you for all of your help and words Roberts_Clif. You are right, I don't need to quit. I just needed a break to calm down; now we will see what happens next.

    And, to add, the extruder motor didn't work as well. I'm glad I checked it... basically, the 3 motors that are identical are all garbage, while the 2 that are actually a newer looking model work flawlessly. So, 3 good stepper motors should get this thing printing...

  8. #18
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    The Extruder will not function unless you are up to printing temperature which for PLA is above 170C.

    I had this thought myself. The software will not allow the Extruder stepper to turn unless the Nozzle is hot enough to extrude filament.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 07-22-2017 at 12:40 AM.

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