So I'm assembling this Alunar m508 3d printer for a friend and I'm done. Easy.

I powered it up and had it auto home. The X- and Y-axis works just fine. The z-axis doesn't work. Now, I'm not using software on my pc. I'm doing this all through the display/ knob. I tried to move the z-axis manually with the knob and it won't move. Both z-axis steppers have this faint whine to them. If I try to move them with my fingers while they whine, I can feel that the steppers are locked/ very hard to turn. I made sure that the whole y-axis gantry is leveled. I unscrewed the brass z-axis nut things so only the acme rods would turn with the Z steppers. I then connected the z-axis steppers to the X- and Y-axis pins on the main board to see if the steppers work at all, and they do. I was able to get the z steppers moving so I know the z steppers work fine. I know the z stepper wires are fine as well. I checked the z axis limit switch the switch itself works fine. the switch was open when I tired to get the steppers working. Closing the switch had no effect.

Also. the extruder stepper doesn't work as well. I checked the extruder stepper the same way I did for the z steppers and the extruder stepper works. Just not when connected to the extruder pins. It doesn't whine or anything.

I am 120% I have everything connected properly. Any ideas?