I need help. I'm looking for a 3D printer under $1000 that has good accuracy and resolution. Preferably less than 100mm layer height, such as 50. The issue I'm having is I'd like to have it large. 16"x16"x16", or somewhere around there at least. Going a bit bigger (like gcreate size) would be better if I can keep the precision. I don't mind it being a kit as long as I don't have to make accurate cuts or tap holes since I don't have a means to do this. The gcreate 1.5xt looks great but is expensive. The Cr-10 Plus looks good, except it doesn't have a heating bed, an haven't seen much for reviews on it and it looks a little flimsy and in need of supports. I'm wondering if on the larger machines like that if the moving bed would cause issues; I'm not sure what the disadvantage is in having X and Y both be on the nozzle side. (Bonus points to those who answer that). Is there something out there that fits the bill? Would I be better off designing and building my own? If so, if I do something like the Cultivate3d Beast (in that it is more of a box-frame instead of a flimsy-looking standoff in the middle), about how much would that end up costing (in $$, not hours) when all is said and done? Again, doing that would give me issues if I have to thread holes or precision cut metal rods/beams.

Thanks for any and all help! Please try not to flame me too bad...I know I'm being a bit picky here.