I have a new FFCP printer that has printed fairly well while I am learning this 3D print capability. My FFCP occasionally squeaks when it makes long transits that I assumed were normal, but the last and largest print I have tried was pretty much a disaster. It looks like bees flying around a beehive. It is supposed to be a reducer for a vacuum system on my table saw from a 4 inch hole to a 1.5 inch hole. I found the printer stuck in one position with the filament still oozing. When I stopped the print and the table went to the bottom of the case and made a ratchet type sound. I have also had problems with bed leveling in the sense that I have to do about every three prints. The rods on the printer carriage look to be well lubricated. I suspect something is slipping between the drive motors and the bed and/or the print heads. I would like to get input before I start taking my new FFCP apart.

error print.jpg