I was reading an article the other day on 3dprint.com, where Avi Reichental (3d sys ceo) said that he expects printers like the 3D Systems ProJet to be in homes in 2-3 years. I am not sure if I agree with this. The ProJet printers print using SLA technology for the most part I believe. However, they are very high quality. Some cost up to $1 million. How long do you guys think it will be before we see professional-like (projet-like) printers in the home? I know there are SLA based printers out there like the FormLabs printer, but they aren't as good quality as the ProJets. The cheapest Projet I believe is the Projet 1000 which is around $10,999 and the ProJet 160 which is around $14,000. To be common in homes I would think the price would have to drop substantially to at most $2,500. However, these printers are pretty phenominal, and can print things that you would order off shapeways.

What do you guys think? Will prices really drop this drastically in the next couple of years? Are these printers safe to run in a home or garage?