Hello,<br><br>I need help with fine tuning different filament types for my Makertbot.&nbsp;<br><br>I have the following PLA Filaments:&nbsp;<br><br>Makerbot<br>Hatchbox<br>In land<br>Plush Plastic<br>3D Solutech<br><br>I use the High Print Setting when Im using Makerbot filament and it comes out perfect 99% of the time. The issue is the cost of this filament...The other filaments are a fraction of the cost of the Makerbot filament. However, regardless of what settings and fine tweaking I use for the filaments that I listed there is ALWAYS an issue. They just don't look good at all. Does anyone have any luck with the filaments that I listed, and if so can you please share your specs to get them to turn out just as good as the Makerbot filament? I would appreciate any and all help with this. Thank you in advance.&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>