It's here: Dragon Con 2016. Running this weekend, September 2-5 in Atlanta, Georgia, this cosplayers' paradise is offering enthusiasts of any number of fandoms a gathering place to show off their craftsmanship, meet fellow fans, check out panels and meet some of those behind their favorite shows and games, and generally indulge in a few days of nerdy glory. One cosplayer we've covered before is the talented Bindi Smalls, who has wowed us with her detailed Nova Terra and Embers of War creations. And, no surprise, she has been hard at work preparing for this year's Dragon Con. Smalls has found 3D printing to be an integral part of many of her cosplay creations, embracing the technology so much that she runs the Geek Fab Lab, a 3D printing hub and authorized LulzBot 3D printer reseller. One of the creations that has kept her 3D printers whirring 'round the clock in the runup to Dragon Con 2016 has been the creation of a cosplay from Overwatch as she puts together a detailed likeness inspired by D.Va. Read more at