Made for Me provides professional 3D printing services from a global marketplace of suppliers

Our service helps designers procure rapid prototypes and end-use parts from a global network of 3D print suppliers offering a wide selection of materials and printers. We want you to get the best deal for your specific project. That’s why we offer a comparison of all the different quotes for your particular 3D print material selection and geography. The supplier that’s cheapest this time might be the most expensive the next time, but by using our service you'll get the best deal every time.

With a collective sixteen years of 3D printing experience between our team, we help you cut through the hype around 3D printing to select the right printer and material for your model, prototype or end use product. We have successfully produced thousands of printed parts for our customers for a wide range of applications and industries.

Getting started with 3D printing can be a daunting task given the number of different technologies, materials, and design rules there are to consider. We provide expert, attentive support to give you the guidance you need. Our teams in North America and Australia are just a phone call or email away.

We know that quality and reliability are a priority for manufacturing your product. That’s why we have strict standards for 3D print suppliers in our network and we only list 3D printing capabilities that are of an industrial standard. The purchase price of the machines in our network range from $25K- $1M+ and include manufacturers such as 3D Systems, Stratasys, Arcam, Concept Laser and EOS.

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