Hi Everyone!

First of all hello to you - it's my first post on this forum.

I'm thinking about printing some fashion oriented, customized products but so far I've noticed in many cases (depending on printer) the printouts are not "client ready".

I've found this video of sunglasses production process. Can you guys have a look and give me some details on what exactly is being done in the process?


Precisely I'm interested in:
- What is the best material for such wearable products? I'm also thinking about frames.
- What is used to polish those frames exactly? Can you maybe provide me with name of the product (those little polishing stones/cubes) or examples of manufacturers? (50th sec. of video)
- How are the frames painted/coloured? What kind of dye or pigment is it? (video 1:00-1:15 ) Also why and how exactly are they heated in this oven like machine (1:18)

Thanks a lot for all the helpful answers!

P.S. It's not supposed to be an ad of those sunglasses - I guess most of you have seen it so far anyway.