I am almost done building my second printer and I cannot get any of the steppers to move. I have all of the limit switches, hot end thermister, motors plugged in, and mintemp and min extrusion temp set to -50 for now. I am using Marlin firmware. I selected the board as 33 and the serial port as 0 (printer uses COM 5 however).

The temp is reading correctly for the hot end, and Repitier recognizes the inputted movements (displays travel moves in the build area when inputted manually) and resets the position when an endstop it triggered.

Note this is an H-bot printer and I do have the line uncommented in the mechanical portion of Marlin. Not sure if there is another step to that.

Needless to say I am kind of lost here. This is my first time using a RAMPS 1.4 (First printer was a RAMBo.. decided to go cheaper this time). Like I said, it is recognizing the board and some aspects are working correctly, just no movement.

Any help is appreciated,