Aaron Harman, a fan of 1986 movie 'Aliens' who is now working as a mechanical designer of industrial machinery, has been looking for a Class II Power Loader as seen in the movie pretty much since the release. He instead finally decided to create his own, designed in 59 individual files using Autodesk Inventor. With some parts printed multiple times, the finished model is ultimately composed of 124 3D printed parts; to list the design on Pinshape, Harman had to load it in two different designs for download. Harman, who is setting up a Pittsburgh-based 3D printing store and service called Steel City 3D printing, has made he designs files available to purchase and download for $23.40. Read more about his process in the full article: http://3dprint.com/84905/class-ii-power-loader-aliens/

Below is a photo of Harman's 3D printed Class II Power Loader: