Changed over to dual extruders. I want to hook up my print fan. I am using the Geetech (red) fan extender. So far, I cannot get it to work. I have hooked up the extender and wiring as show on this tutorial: I tried the Marlin configuration he suggested but I get an error that says I can't configure both extruders with the same pin. I didn't configure both. Finally, instead of using 4, I used 5 and Marlin accepted it. (Fans still don't work).

Also, I am using ABL and I have that plugged into D11 for the servo. I shifted the fan extender up one pin, then two pins as Clough42's website FAQ suggests, but I get no fans to work.

FAQ on Clough42's website: How do I plug in a fan extender and a servo at the same time? They use the same pins.

If you shift the fan board up one or two pins, leaving D11 uncovered, you can use both. If you have the RRD fan extender (usually white) just shift it up one pin to leave D11 uncovered. Only one of the two channels on the fan extender will work, and it will be D4. If you have the Geetech fan extender (usually red) shift it two pins. Both channels will work, and they will be on D4 and D5. Connect the print fan to the one on D4. question is, How do I get this to work. Don't I have to tell the firmware that there is a fan extender? If so, How (exactly)? Do I have the fan extender plugged in correctly?

I'm sure this has a simple solution but I have been playing with this for hours and trying google instructions for MY application but I am not having any luck.

Your detailed help would be appreciated.
Thank you