Hi all,

I currently have a B9Creator (version 1), which I've honestly not used much, just due to not having the time or need for it yet. I can see that time approaching quickly on the horizon, though - I have some long overdue vacation coming that should finally give me time to play and tinker.

Perhaps it's just simple buyer's regret, but I've been looking at the Form 1+ a little wistfully in the past couple weeks. I've been wondering whether it might be better for me to sell my B9Creator and invest what I can get for it into a fund for a Form 1+ (since the Form 1+ costs about the same as the B9 v1 did when it was current, and it's no longer current since there's a B9 v2, I don't expect to be able to simply swap them out without some extra investment). For anyone wondering, having BOTH is simply NOT a financial possibility for me.

So, I was wondering which one people might recommend?

I largely intend to use it for jewelry, which is what pushed me to get the B9 in the first place, since at the time it was the only printer around with lost-wax-castable resin - but now I see Formlabs has also introduced a castable resin.

Overall, the Form 1+ is more aesthetically pleasing and it gives me the IMPRESSION that it might be a smoother ride than the B9. I love the heck out of the B9, but it does feel a little 'jury-rigged', what with the projector just kind of strapped onto the bottom there. I don't have any actual or verifiable reason for that opinion, it's just my initial, marketing-infected impression. The Form 1+ also takes up less space than the B9. However, I've heard of a lot of strange dimension-warping problems with the Form series, it seems to be a consistent problem - vertical stretching or inexplicable horizontal travel of layers during print. Of course all printers have the occasional bug, but every time I Google just about anything about the Formlabs printers, I seem to see a (new) post about dimension-warping.

With all that said, I'm frozen from indecision at the moment. I'd love to hear people's opinions and thoughts on this. Thanks a lot!