Urbano Rodriguez, who has created such fun designs available on his Shapeways shop as the popular Desk Urchin pen/pencil holderr, has been back to the drawing board to create a new fun design. He told 3DPrint.com that he decided to make a little golf game, using pens as the golf clubs and 3D printed golf club heads, balls, and hole. Rodriguez's goal was to make a playable game that worked just like golf, with the ability to put from your desk or place the flag and hole farther off on the floor. The set is now up on his Shapeways shop, ready for golf afficianadoes everywhere. Check out more of his process and thoughts behind the design in the full story: http://3dprint.com/67991/3d-printed-desk-golf-game/
Below is a photo of the pen-top golf game: