Yesterday I had my first and last (because I'll never buy another FlashForge) experience with trying to get a warranty issue addressed with my Creator. I run a total of three Creators in my business, and I've spent over $4000 with FF in the past year because I've been pretty happy with their product. That was until this recent experience.

Last week, one of my Creators up and died about 7 days before the end of its 90 day warranty. I contacted technical support to inform them that I needed to get it fixed or replaced under warranty. What followed was a string of increasingly annoying e-mails from tech support asking me to unplug this wire, unplug that wire, turn it on and off, etc. The first couple I didn't mind because I realized they were trying to see if they could isolate the problem easily. The last straw was an e-mail asking me to disconnect every since wire from the motherboard. Seeing how much work that was going to take in labeling and removing (not to mention I'm not very comfortable working around electricity to begin with) I finally put my foot down and told them I wasn't going to keep doing this. I'm not a technician. I asked them to please send me a label so I can ship it back for repairs or send me a replacement and I'll send it back in the same box to them. That's when they told me that if I wanted to ship it back to them instead of fixing it myself, the shipping was going to be on me. I was incredulous. A quick check with UPS rates and packaging costs says it's going to cost me over $50 to ship this back to them. For the hassle and expense, I'm considering just chalking it up as a business loss on the taxes, tossing it, and buying a different printer from a different manufacturer. Time is money. I can have a new printer here in a couple of days and sending this thing back to them and waiting for it to return is likely going to take weeks. Very unhappy experience with FF on this.