Hi, I'm a school student with 3D modelling as a hobby, looking for a 3D printer that's got a decent price and a decent performance.
I've got the patience to save up from about 300 to 800 USD, but I may be able to extend it a little.
I'd love to be able to print some of the things I design, and actually be able to hold it in my own two hands.
We've got 3 Makerbot Replicator 2's at the school I attend to, which I frequently use, so I'm not new on the subject, the only thing I'm unsure about is the price vs. performance ratio on various models, which is why I'm here.
I'm not looking for a statue sized monster with 0.01mm precision, I'm looking for something a little.. cheaper and smaller, but still got a decent perfomance.
Thank you in advance.
