Hey guys,

So I just got my FlashForge Creator Pro and I'm having 2 issues.
The first problem is the right extruder does not heat up. It gives me an error message:

Tool 0 Failure! Not heating properly, check wiring.

The thermocouple works fine, I can monitor the temp and see a change when the left extruder heats up.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The second issue I'm having is with software.
Ive downloaded the latest version of Makerware and saved the part as a .x3g file, then transferred the file to the SD via my digital camera. When I try to print from SD the extruder heat turns off, bed stays on, and gives me the message:

I am a CreatorX. This build is for another bot. (Not sure why it says CreatorX, it's the Creator Pro)

Ive tried downloading the old version of makerware that Geoff posted for us and the issue is still there.
I can print the test parts that were loaded on the card but that's it.

Version information:
Sailfish F CreatorX
Free SRAM 1000
Sailfish v7.7 r01234

Any help is appreciated!
