Hi All,

First time posting in this form, I have only been in the Makerfarm sub form but figured I should post a level up for this question. I am new to all of this and have not yet ordered my printer kit.

Looking at:

It appears that Rumba boards support 5 interfaces for temperature sensors. I understand that thermistors would be used for bed and hot end, but what kind of sensor would I hook up if I wanted to measure the air temperature on the inside of my enclosure? I have one of these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but it appears that the board only has two pins and this would take 3.

Also, if I was sensing air temp inside the enclosure, is there a way to set the board to turn on one of the fans (venting enclosure) if the internal temp went above a preset setting?
