As we've seen already with most new technology, prices are starting to drop for what has been prohibitively expensive hardware -- new happenings are making 3D scanners suddenly more affordable, and thus more accessible to a wider variety of makers. Belgian designer Fabio Ferretti has designed and released the files for a DIY 3D scanner that is open source and can be made for an almost unbelievably low price. His 3D scanner, the Sardauscan, is able to be made in 13 downloadable STL files available on Thingiverse, with a few easy-to-find non-3D-printable components which keep final component costs in the range of about $26.50-$35, depending how many materials one already has and how many line lasers one wants. Find out more details on the impressively affordable 3D scanner in the full article:

Below is a photo of the DIY Sardauscan 3D scanner in action: