Prop maker Olivia Lam recently discovered the benefits of 3D printing to create her props, and hasn't looked back since. She specializes in creating masks and decided to recreate one from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the beloved video game. To create her replica Majora's Mask, she started by modeling it in Blender, and had the main center portion 3D printed by Shapeways, printing the spikes herself on her RostockMAX 3D printer. Following the 3D print jobs, the mask took, all told, three months of post-processing work, including filler primers, sanding, clear-coats, paints, and a whole lot of love. The work paid off, and Lam's Majora's Mask replica is a masterpiece prop. She has many more projects in mind coming up next. Check out her process and plans in the full article:

Below is a photo of Lam's finished Majora's Mask: