Ugh. I don't know what I did recently to bork the printer but it's printing several inches above the bed... and using the firmware controls to auto-home, it continues to climb higher each time.

Before this new discovery... after several successful prints directly connected to my PC, I moved the printer to another room to get some quiet time. I then successfully printed a part from the SD card. Without unplugging it, I started another job via the on-board display and halted it because the wrong extruder was selected for print.

Now, no matter what, I can't seem to get the z-axis to respond in an expected manner. It's almost as if it's going backwards.
- I will no doubt be trouble shooting this weekend, but throwing this out into the wild to see if anyone has a path I should start on.

Notes: I recently upgraded to a dual extruder and auto bed leveling (which has been working like black magic. Most excellent!)

I'm wondering if I've inadvertently written garbage into the eeprom settings (not even clear what or how those are, yet.)
Is there a way to quickly 'clear' out to defaults and start over? Should I?