Hello there! Are you located in the UK?

You may have recently seen an advert on TV for the My 3D Printer Magazine where you can build your own 3D Printer from the parts they send to you each month. Have you purchased the first edition?

If you've already purchased the first edition or are planning to, along with the others, you may like to know that the providers Eaglemoss Publications don't provide any actual support forums for getting help with this as though it's a relatively easy thing to do.

I don't know if they are not expecting anyone to make mistakes but its inevitable that if you're building your own 3D Printer from different parts you're bound to make some mistakes and have some questions along the way. I know I will!

So if this is you, then you can join the My3DPrinter.club forums and get support and answers from other people also subscribing to this magazine that are keen and excited about building their own 3D Printer too.

Now please be nice and forgive us if it doesn't meet up to your expectations. We've not really gone for looks rather than functionality and we're still setting things up but you're very welcome to join/mingle or just bookmark for later.

Also if you have any suggestions / comments / criticisms (constructive only) then we'd be very happy to listen to them. We're looking out for friendly, helpful members of the community so we can build a better future in 3D.

PS. I'm not sure yet if this magazine is also available in the US or if you guys over there have something similar going? If so you're also very welcome to join. As is anyone that is involved with or interested in the 3D Printing industry in any way.

Thanks for reading and my best regards.

Mike from My3DPrinter.club