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Type: Posts; User: wkarraker

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  1. Replies

    I would have recommended a $99 ONO SLA printer...

    I would have recommended a $99 ONO SLA printer (, it's just about ready to hit the market. It was a Kickstarter project a little over a year ago, they were fully funded for $80K...
  2. Excellent documentary on your delta, congrats. I...

    Excellent documentary on your delta, congrats. I have a SeeMeCNC ROSTOCK V2 (previous version of this -...
  3. Replies

    That makes sense. I have a Z18 and it is...

    That makes sense. I have a Z18 and it is definitely enclosed in a glass or acrylic box so temperature changes are reduced but not eliminated. I had similar problems with my original Thing-O-Matic, I...
  4. Replies

    That's interesting, our printer is in a pretty...

    That's interesting, our printer is in a pretty well regulated room. I need to confirm this but isn't the build chamber supposed to be regulated? I suppose it can heat the chamber but not cool it....
  5. Replies

    I just installed a Smart Extruder+ and it is...

    I just installed a Smart Extruder+ and it is better, our Z18 is printing very well. Flats are smooth, curves are nice, even super small supports are working again. They revamped the mechanics in the...
  6. Hey all, just installed a Smart Extruder+ on the...

    Hey all, just installed a Smart Extruder+ on the Z18, it's printing better than new. Flat surfaces are smoother, curves are nice too (left print old extruder, right print new extruder in photo)....
  7. Sticky: Thermal detonator...

    Thermal detonator or BB-8 make the cut? I have a Thing-O-Matic from 2011, still works great. I have a MakerBot Z18 at work and have started to use it a lot, I printed the BB-8 with that since it was...
  8. Never say never, for you they may be dead but if...

    Never say never, for you they may be dead but if they (eventually) build a Gen 6 that is totally amazing I'll definitely take a look at it. By the time I contacted them about my fourth Smart Extruder...
  9. Replies

    At best I think you will only get translucent...

    At best I think you will only get translucent results, full transparency would require no bubbles or gaps between layers and the way fused deposition works there will always be gaps. So far the best...
  10. While everyone's mileage varies with the 5th Gen...

    While everyone's mileage varies with the 5th Gen series I've been getting decent results after my Z18 got it's 4th Smart Extruder. It's never going to compete with a liquid resin printer but that's...
  11. I tried using the Mac version of Rhino for object...

    I tried using the Mac version of Rhino for object creation and had a lot problems with the meshes created. Many of the surfaces were flipped, there were open polygons and boolean operations were...
Results 1 to 11 of 11