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Type: Posts; User: DBMandrake

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  1. Is this a known problem with this forum ? It...

    Is this a known problem with this forum ? It makes me hesitant to spend the time posting if my posts all end up as a wall of text like my first post.
  2. Replies

    Not just you. Same problem here, but for me I...

    Not just you. Same problem here, but for me I have issues with both Chrome and Firefox and I don't use incognito.

    I'm a new user on this forum and I'm having terrible problems with this forum...
  3. Yeah, because the forum completely mangled the...

    Yeah, because the forum completely mangled the formatting of my post including the URL, and when I went back a second time to try to edit it, it completely refused to let me edit the post. Having a...
  4. Thanks for the reply! I don't have an enclosure...

    Thanks for the reply! I don't have an enclosure but do have an all metal hot end direct direct extruder which can go up to 300C, (although 250C seems to work well, haven't tried 255 or 260 which is...
  5. Is ASA much easier to print than people think ?

    Hi All,New to the forum but have been 3D Printing about 9 months. In that time I've printed mostly in PLA but have also used PETG, TPU and now ASA.PLA of course is very easy to print and get good...
Results 1 to 5 of 5