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Type: Posts; User: innovestment

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  1. Replies

    Makes sense. I could see dual cameras being a...

    Makes sense. I could see dual cameras being a feature of all phones and tablets at some point because 3d sensing will be great for augmented reality.
  2. What is the cost to print something like this out?

    What is the cost to print something like this out?
  3. Replies

    Reminds me of the cochlea as well. Looks better...

    Reminds me of the cochlea as well. Looks better than 90% of speakers out there.
  4. Replies

    One of the designs I made is a set of...

    One of the designs I made is a set of interlinking blocks and I'm wondering how the stl will work if objects overlap in 3d space. I don't have my printer yet and haven't played with any slicing...
  5. Replies

    Ok, I bought the app and after playing around...

    Ok, I bought the app and after playing around with it a bit more and Tinkercad, I have to say it has some nice features. Being able to subtract any shape from any other is great. As a test I wanted...
  6. I'm really curious as to how they propose to...

    I'm really curious as to how they propose to detect guns and small dangerous animals. Wait, what is that second thing supposed to be?
  7. Replies

    Thank you Inventery for your reply. I did get the...

    Thank you Inventery for your reply. I did get the STL after a few minutes. It was going through a yahoo address on the iPad so probably Yahoo was being slow.

    The STL file did look good as well....
  8. Replies

    I just tried it out and it seems to work as a...

    I just tried it out and it seems to work as a simple introduction though for some reason the STL file it said it emailed to me hasn't shown up yet. I don't really use the iPad email much so can't say...
  9. Wow. There went an hour looking at all the...

    Wow. There went an hour looking at all the creators and partners they have though it's quite different and limited versus what BrainDistrict is doing.

    Being able to design 3d spaces using natural...
  10. Replies

    Took a look at the hi-res picture here...

    Took a look at the hi-res picture here and these are very high quality. I bet those balls are printed in place with no connection to the outside of the ring. Perhaps some powder or soluble support...
  11. The hand and the robot. The engine is cool too...

    The hand and the robot. The engine is cool too but those were on track to be more useful in everyday life. I've always wanted a little mech running around.
  12. Replies

    These designs are fascinating. Do you have a...

    These designs are fascinating. Do you have a breakdown on the weight of the different components?
  13. Replies

    Interesting tip. It makes sense to bring the...

    Interesting tip. It makes sense to bring the level of detail on the object up as high as possible while keeping the smallest features resolvable by the camera and image detection software. As long as...
  14. One could do something similar for any kind of...

    One could do something similar for any kind of standard sized material. sheets of plywood. Popscicle sticks. rebar.
  15. Replies

    Blender and openscad are the two I've found....

    Blender and openscad are the two I've found. openscad builds objects using scripts and other source files. Blender is more of a 3d design tool and is probably what I'll get into more once I get a...
  16. Replies

    Yes! Super Mario Bros is one of my favo... mmm...

    Yes! Super Mario Bros is one of my favo... mmm Bacon.
  17. Wow, with that kind of resistance, it's going to...

    Wow, with that kind of resistance, it's going to take a lot of voltage to even get much current to flow. I guess the application is going to be mainly for signal lines and low powered-sensors.
  18. I just found this conductive filament and would...

    I just found this conductive filament and would love to try it out.

    I guess it only would make sense if you had multiple extruders or could figure out how to...
  19. Thread: Ape

    by innovestment

    This is great. I would quite like to print robot...

    This is great. I would quite like to print robot parts in the future and this kind of articulated snap-together model is as interesting way to get there.
Results 1 to 19 of 19